89 Images
Guardian VM1000 Radiation Portal Monitor
Gatekeeper ITUSUnder Train Inspection System
Gatekeeper IVUSUnder-Vehicle Inspection Image
Gatekeeper IVODFacial Recognition System
Gatekeeper IVUS-2VR Relocatable, Under-Vehicle Inspection System
Gatekeeper IVUS-2VFFixed, Under-Vehicle Inspection System
Guardian 501 Series - RID
Guardian VM500 - Radiation Portal Monitor
The OmniView Gantry system provides market-leading penetration and outstanding resolution for powerful imaging of dense and complex cargo.
Eagle G60 ZBx is a multi-technology, multi-view rail-mounted system for comprehensive cargo inspection.
Guardian SGS 3000 Series
Guardian 50L - Radiation Portal Monitor
The Eagle G60 gantry inspection system is ideal for screening dense cargo for threats and contraband.
Metor Walk-Through Metal Detector with Radiation Detection Option
Guardian CM620 - Conveyor Radiation Monitor
Guardian CM268-SPLIT - Conveyor Radiation Monitor
Guardian GMS-4x4 - Vehicle-Mounted, Mobile Radiation Monitor
Guardian Glass - Neutron Detector Technology
NG-Kit for Radiation Detection
Guardian PM-SPLIT-GN - Pedestrian Portal Monitor
Guardian PRM470 - Handheld
Guardian TM850 - Radiation Portal Monitor
Guardian PM700 - Pedestrian RPM
Guardian MD210 - Mobile Radiation Monitor
InSight High Density shows two dense objects in the container
The MINI Z system's Enhanced Detection Panel Option provides the ability to acquire transmission images in addition to Z Backscatter images
The MINI Z system with tablet mount that can be affixed to the handle for single-operator use
The Eagle A25 is an advanced X-ray system for scanning pallets and ULDs for threats and contraband
CarView InLane scans passenger vehicles at land borders
ZBV scanning system towing Tx-View option
ZBV system with Tx-View Option scanning a vehicle
Eagle C25 system scanning a vehicle at a high-threat facility
InSight Firearms assists in detecting common, fully-assembled firearms
InSight Cigarettes aids in the detection of large quantities of cigarettes
InSight Bottles helps analyst to detect large quantities of bottles
InSight Similar Cargo retrieves saved images that are most like the current image for comparison by the analyst
InSight Non-Homogeneous Cargo highlights a section of the image which differs from the homogeneous cargo
InSight Empty Container results show that the container is not empty
InSight High Density shows a dense object in the container
InSight Vehicle Compare shows objects that have been added or removed from the current vehicle scan
Eagle T60 ZBx multi-technology trailer-based cargo inspection system
Eagle T60 trailer-based cargo inspection system
The CarView InLane portal fits into existing traffic lanes and standard tollbooth lanes
Contraband in cargo shipment
Hidden currency in rear of SUV
Shipment of mechanical equipment
Illegal contraband seizure
The ZBV is the top-selling mobile cargo and vehicle screening system in the world
ZBV S-Class mobile cargo and vehicle screening system
Our line of ZBV mobile screening systems accommodates varied operational requirements
ZBV image revealing smuggled alcohol, hidden to avoid paying duties
ZBV R-Class with 4WD and crew cab for extra space
Border officials uncovered a smuggler attempting to hide currency
The MINI Z provides Z Backscatter technology in the palm of your hands
ZBV with Tx-View option Z Backscatter and transmission X-ray images
Z Portal system for scanning trucks, buses, and cargo containers
The Z Portal simultaneously generates Z Backscatter images from three sides and optional dual-energy transmission technology
The Z Portal system screens cars, vans, and small trucks for organic and metallic threats and contraband
An operator reviews the Z Portal images from a scanned truck
The multi-technology Z Portal provides up to six images of the scanned truck
High-energy, dual-energy transmission imaging provides colorized images based on material type
High-energy, dual-energy transmission imaging technology penetrates densely loaded containers for greater detection
The multi-technology CarView system produces two top-down images in a single scan
The relocatable CarView Portal for passenger vehicle screening
ZBV with Tx-View Option
Eagle® P60
Eagle Rail cargo inspection system offers automated scanning of dense cargo
Eagle Rail Cargo Inspection System
Eagle Rail Cargo transmission image
Eagle C25 transmission X-ray image of a passenger vehicle
The Eagle T25 trailer-based cargo and vehicle X-ray inspection system scans a truck
Eagle P25 drive-through cargo and vehicle inspection system
Eagle M60 high-energy transmission X-ray image
The Eagle M60 high-energy mobile inspection system scans cargo and vehicles at ports, borders, and checkpoints
The Eagle M60 mobile cargo and vehicle inspection system
Eagle P60 portal delivers high-throughput inspection of cargo and vehicles
Eagle P60 high-energy, dual-energy transmission image of a cargo container
Eagle M60 ZBx
The Eagle M60 ZBx multi-technology cargo and vehicle inspection system uses transmission and Z Backscatter X-ray technology for comprehensive detection
Eagle M60 ZBx Image Set
Eagle P60 ZBx multi-technology, multi-view portal for comprehensive inspection of cargo and vehicles
Eagle P60 ZBx simultaneously generates a high-energy transmission image and Z Backscatter images from three sides
The Eagle G60 ZBx provides a high-energy transmission image and Z Backscatter images from three sides
The MINI Z system with Enhanced Detection Panel option
The MINI Z system with Enhanced Detection Panel option and accessories
The handheld MINI Z system scans for concealed threats and contraband while on-the-go